let me start by saying this is by no means intended to be a preachy post. for many reasons, i try to maintain an all-natural lifestyle. i am not a strict organic lady, but when i can, i opt to go that route. don't get me wrong, i never turn down a visit to an in-n-out burger and i'm a total sucker for twizzlers.
i had mostly been focused on the food i was eating, but recently made an effort to switch out all of my beauty products to exclude as many chemicals as possible. i first got the kick when i simply could not get my skin to clear up no matter what i tried (this includes that heavily celebrity-endorsed acne brand). i decided it was time for a new moisturizer & when i was on the hunt for an oil-free option, i stumbled upon alba botanica aloe & green tea oil-free moisturizer. not to sound like an infomercial, but it truly did help clear up my skin. that, in my opinion, combined with the other all-natural products i switched to, did wonders. what happened next was somewhat of a snowball effect. i tossed all of my products that had parabens, chemicals, and any other crap (for loss of a better technical term). it was time to start fresh. i was able to find all of my new all-natural products at whole foods, rite aid and sephora.
here's a quick run-down of some of my favorites just in case you're on the market.
whole foods has their own great line of products under the "365" heading that is significantly cheaper than the other name brands. i was able to get a great deal on a sulfate-free citrus grapefruit shampoo and conditioner at a much better price than your average hair care line.
another fantastic brand is dr. bronner's. i tested out their organic peppermint bar soap and LOVED it. not only is it free of all the crap you don't want, it smells delicious and actually helps wake me up in the morning. the peppermint has a great kick to it and definitely helps me start my day.
my sister-in-law turned me on to a fantastic philadelphia brand called duross & langel. i'm currently obsessed with their ginger deodorant. i've tried MANY all-natural deodorants and this is the first one to actually do the trick. they make tons of other amazing products and beautiful gift sets, which i can guarantee any bride-to-be would LOVE.
on to the make-up. i have to confess, i'm not much of a make-up connoisseur. give me some bronzer, blush and chapstick and i'm good to go. i'm not picky who makes it, so i figured why not try the all-natural route?
tarte cosmetics makes AMAZING all-natural products and the best part is that they carry them at sephora stores. currently in love with: their matte waterproof mineral powder bronzer, park ave princess. the eraser, which is a great natural concealer. this lights, camera, lashes! mascara works wonders for my eyes and has a fancy case. and finally, drumroll please, my ultimate: the cheek stain. i had been using this stuff for years before knowing it was paraben-free. it hands-down gives me the best flushed look and i do not go a day without putting this magical stuff on. and i finish it all off with the minty freshness of yes to carrots brand chapstick. this is a great new brand that focuses on all-natural ingredients and is carried in most drugstores. highly recommend. have any all-natural brands to share? i'm always on the look out and especially interested in more affordable options. it's silly to pay more for a product with less stuff in it, but in my opinion, it's worth the price.