it's the final day of 2010.
i hope you're all enjoying the last of what this year has to offer & are looking forward to life in 2011.
the hubs and i were scheduled to be lying on a beach along the gulf coast this week, but the lovely blizzard of 2010 kept us grounded in manhattan. i'll admit, i cried a little, but once i realized how easy we had it compared to all of the people stranded in the airports, trains and lord knows where else, i got over it. we've had a relaxing week in the city and are looking forward to vacation "take 2" next year.
one of my new year's resolutions is to be better about blogging more regularly. you might notice i'll write a bit about babies. don't worry, i'll still blog my little heart out about weddings, entertaining and everything else that catches my eye, but i've got babies on the brain these days. mostly because i've got one in my belly right now ; )
i promise not to get all mushy and diaper-obsessed on this blog, but i can't promise i won't feature a baby shower or amazing new baby product every once in awhile.
i'll be throwing back some sparkling apple cider tonight to ring in the new year and am counting on all of you to throw back the real stuff for me.