so it's about 142 degrees here in new york and i've got the air conditioner blasting and can't seem to guzzle enough cold water.
which got me thinking about mother earth...
i always keep this handy "baggu" bag in my purse for spur-of-the-moment grocery shopping. i NEVER leave home without my klean kanteen full of filtered water. and public transportation is my best friend. so i like to think i'm eco-conscious, but there is no doubt i could be doing more.
here are just a few tips on ways to conserve during these super hot months:
* keep your curtains/blinds closed during the daytime
* leave only necessary lighting on during light hours
* switch out your old light bulbs for new compact fluorescent ones
* use cold water to wash your clothes (and only do full loads)
* hang clothes to dry
would love to get some input/ideas from all of you on ways that you cut down your carbon footprint.
oh & i'll be following this post with eco-friendly wedding ideas so stay tuned!
Already see that that my mom used one of your tips...the blinds in our very hot kitchen have been down for 2 days to keep the sun out :) love ya!
I love my baggu too! One of my friends actually welcomed their hotel guests with their favorite treats and a bottle of wine presented in a reusable baggu grocery bag. Awesome!
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